20 X Optical Zoom Sony Digital Video Camera, Tripod:
When filming our trailer, we used a 20 XOptical Zoom Sony Digital camera which we found easy to use and to hold/stand on tripod. The camera is very light and has an hand-strip enabling you to get the best camera shots you can. In our teaser trailer we used a lot of hand held camera shots. We done this to create an edgy spooky effect, as the genre of the film is horror. From using the camera hand held it gave out the feeling of someone was watching the character on screen. Even though we used a hand held camera for the majority of the time we always carried the Tripod along with us during filming, we done this in case there were any shots that we needed a still and steading shot, e.g. clock. The only times we needed to use the tripod was mostly in the non-action shots. We was happy our teaser trailer did not need a Tripod for majority of the trailer as it made the making of the trailer quicker and both the actors and the person filming could get into any position as we did not have to use space up for the Tripod.
3 X Optical Zoom Sony Digital Camera:
We used our own camera, a 10 megapixel Sony digital camera, to take the pictures of the locations, preparation of the teaser trailer and also of the actors themselves. We knew the camera captures and shoots in a high quality, and we wanted to have the pictures in the best definition that we could use. We also did not have access to the college's camera as there was not enough, but the quality of these camera wasn't as good as the ones we had at home, this was not a problem for us as we all had our own cameras. Using our own camera helped us with time as we could use them and upload pictures from home. This helped as we could spend time looking at the pictures and adding effects if we needed to. We also decided to show our storyboard draft by taking pictures of the location and adding information about what is going to happen in this location, this helped as it was quicker for us as no one in our group could draw.
To get onto blogger, and to edit and upload our trailer, we used an Apple Mac computer which I was able to go on both at college and at home as two people in the group have this computer at home. At home, we did have a problem using the macs as we did not have a programme (pages) that we used in college to do all of our analysis etc. We had to sort this out by converting all of our work from this programme to a normal word document, however we had to do this at college as it would not let us do it on our own computers, although this wasted time as we couldn't do the written work we wanted to do we started filming and this made us more determined to get the filming done.We also had problems with the internet access on the Apple Mac computers at college as it would not let us access all sites due to the college blocking them. We also came across a problem with the blogger website itself, as it wouldn't allow us to upload more than one picture at a time. Although this wasted time we got it done. For the editing of my trailer, we used Final Cut Pro which helped us create the effects we used in our trailer. Once I had logged and captured our scenes we started putting them together by using the tool pallet which allows me to cut pieces of work, When choosing our effects we tried out a few on a part of the teaser trailer thatwas getting deleted, we done this as we didn't no what was going to happen, we felt this was more safe as we was deleting it. One effect we used in our teaser trailer was altering the speed of the clip. We used this effect when the clock in our teaser speeds up. This effect added to our teaser trailer as it was showing time going by quickly the significance of the number 12 emphasizes fear as bad things always happen at this time. We felt the effects we used on Final Cut Pro were professional, and the video transitions we used helped make the scenes seem more professional as they go together better and made our trailer much more effective.
In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media texts?
Analysing the three different horror trailers and three teaser trailers at the beginning of our research helped us to get some ideas of how we want our horror teaser to look once filmed. We was able to have many ideas on which footage we would like from other horror trailers. We put these clips in with our own idea of having the theme on a teenage school horror. We used the trailers effect of using short scenes and quick shots for the ending of the teaser, by having the start of our trailer with a more slow effect we believed it would get the viewers interested and then excited at the end due to the quick cuts in the clips. We decided not to use a voice over due to the fact we believed our clips were strong enough to get the message across without one, we also realised that other teaser trailers did not have a voice over either, this finalized our decision on if we should have a voice over. We wanted to keep the viewers watching our teaser interested, we done this by having dramatic shots with an interesting tag-line- life is a symptom death is a kill.
We decided to begin our trailer with a wide shot of the college, we done this as this would show the audience where some of the film would be taking place and also shows what age range this film will be about- college students (17-19). The dolly shot of the college is a slow shot compared to other shots in the teaser. We made this shot longer than others as we wanted the audience to engage in the beginning of the teaser so they would have an understanding about the teaser. We didn’t want to reveal any characters in this shot, we believed this shot should just give the understanding of the college setting.
From all of the trailers that we analysed, they had all begun with the music been quite quiet. We adapted this and made the music at the beginning of the teaser quieter than it is in the middle and end, we also felt this was appropriate as there was no horror scenes happening at this stage. Sorority Row trailer starts of with college life, this is where we got our idea of starting of with showing the college as it is showing who the target audience will be. After showing the college life in the beginning of Sorority Row it then made the up beat music louder and showed teenagers having fun at a party, after the party scene the tension starts to build up with more eery music. When the eery music starts a build up of quick shots takes place, this is a good timeto take place as people are waiting for something to happen due to the chance of the mood due to the music. We used a similar technique as we have a chance in the level of sound in the music followed by quick shots, we done this as we believed it would build up tension and excitement, also because it is a trailer we did not want to give to much away so quick shots would show events that happen throughout the film.
We turned our trailer from college scenes into a horror as a group of girls found evidence in the college library of the colleges past of when the college use to be a place where witches were burnt and are now in berried in the college grounds. As the girls found this, the spirits of the ‘witches‘ have been released and are now after the girls as they are apart of the college. After the spirits been released there are quick shots of events that take place in the film. The creates tension and fear. In the last clip in the trailer, we changed the non-diegetic sound to diegetic sound as we believed it was more realistic with the shot shown.
During the process of our research and planning, we realised that our ideas lacked in the horror originality and we didn't think we would really scare the audience with our shots. We wanted to have a jump scene at the end of our trailer to make the audience leave with the idea of an horror trailer by the end of watching our teaser. The ending shot we decided to use was a shot from Drag me to Hell, we believed this shot would be a good final shot as the fear on the girls face who is in the shot would come across to the audience. In this shot we sped it up so the shock would seem more realistic.
Jump shot from Drag me to Hell- 1:41
For our poster and magazine front cover, we applied a number of different effects and techniques. Both the magazine and poster are vertical like normal magazines, we believed it was important to stick in with the trend and not to be different as we wanted people to recognize it and know what it was. In the magazine we wanted one of the girl's face to take up half of the poster for a maximum impact, we believed this worked effectively as our magazine is vertical and this meant that we could have a extreme close up of the girls face. For both the poster and magazine, we stuck by the 'typical' colours of a horror poster and magazine colour by using dark, symbolic colours such as black, dark grey, and blood red. We also used white in our poster to make the writing stand out and contrast with the black and red.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?
We felt the combination of our trailer with our poster and magazine front cover worked well together. We prefer my poster to our magazine front cover, but both symbolise the themes of my trailer and 'tease' the audience in what the overall film could be about. In our poster we have taken real life parts from our trailer and stuck the pictures in the poster, we believe this would tease the audience as it shows what the film will be about and what to expect, e.g. blood and fear.
Altogether, the poster and magazine front cover; are different parts shown of the film. The magazine front cover shows a girl who’s face is broken up, even though you do not see this in the teaser this girl is the most targeted in the teaser by the spirit as she was the one who found and read out the chant. As this girl is the most targeted she is slowly broken down throughout the film she is haunted by making one mistake, reading out the chant. The poster shows the part where the girls are in danger. We wanted to show this as we believed it captures what the film will be about and it will catch its target audience attention. We also put the disturbing pictures into a film role, we done this as we believed it was effective. We gotthis idea from the poster of ‘Sorority Row”. We felt it was effective how we showed different parts of the overall film as we wanted to evoke the audience's curiosity. We felt using variety was very important.
Above all, we knew the main way to find out whether my poster and magazine front cover were effective was to find out from my target audience. We mainly used Facebook as a way of sending two students from my college the poster and magazine front cover, and using the Facebook Chat to find out what they thought of it and any feedback/criticism they might have had.
The two shots below are about the magazine.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
We used web 2.0 as we felt this was a very effective way of capturing our audience’s views on the products we have made. Through use of facebook networking, we asked people about our magazine and poster final products. We learnt that overall our magazine and poster have delivered the message we intended as we have received positive feedback from our audience. One person stated that the image on the magazine of the broken-faced girl adds real mystery and suspense which has taught us that imagery is just as effective in portraying a film’s storyline as much as text. We also learnt that the use of colours were well chosen and thought out as people described the effect of using the colours to be professional, realistic and refer back to the horror theme perfectly.
We even had one response claiming they thought our magazine was real for a second which could be due to our layout as they said it was good and not too busy which helps messages deliver clearly to readers.
Feedback on our poster was very positive too as someone felt that our use of reviews on it made them believe in the film more because using critics made it seem more realistic. Furthermore, another audience member commented on the tag-line, describing it as spooky and catching which taught us that we’ve successfully made the tagline do what we wanted it to do which was to stick in the audience’s heads and make them anticipate more. Also, the fact it has a spooky feel to it relates to the horror genre.
We’re really pleased with our feedback because we did thorough research on magazines and posters to make an ideal product to target the right audiences and relate to our teaser trailer and we feel that the quality of both products have lived up to this demand.
Hath not this present Parl’ament
A Lieger to the Devil sent,
Fully impower’d to treat about
Finding revolted Witches out?
And has he not within a year
Hang’d threescore of them in one Shire?
Some only for not being drown’d,
And some for sitting above ground.
Whole days and nights upon their Breeches,
And feeling pain, were hang’d for Witches
And some for putting knavish Tricks
Upon green Geese or Turkey Chicks
Or Pigs that suddenly deceast
Of griefs unnatural, as he guess'd
Who after proved himself a Witch
And made a rod for his own Breech.
From Samuel Butler's - Hudibras (first published in 1663).
We then improvised and changed the poem to suit our film. To make it realistic we wanted to give it an olden look which we did by dabbing a wet tea bag on it and then burning the edges.
Step 1: (Teabag Mixture)
Paranormal Activity 2 Teaser Trailer
We are told the name of the film at the end of the teaser trailer. This is done so the audience have to watch the whole of the trailer to get the name, this will make the audience either wants to see it or not as they have an understanding of what the film is to do with. We are not told any names of who is staring in the film as it has no big actors in due to the footage been from a normal family, this film is showing real footage of what is happening in the house hold. There is little text throughout the trailer as it is more visual images that get the message across to the audience. All the footage is filmed at night so the background is dark, the writing is white so it stands out to the audience. This is important as the audience have to be able to see the writing easy. We do not see any great action in the trailer as the footage is more mysterious, for example, pots moving on its own, dog barking even though there is nothing there.
The music played is footsteps, this noise makes the audience believe someone is somewhere they shouldn't be e.g. someone breaking in, this shows the film is going to be a horror as the thought of having someone in your house and you do not no is scary.
The speed stays the same throughout the teaser trailer as the footage shown is enough to keep the audience focused. The film is not an action horror, it is a horror which shows things happening in a household which is abnormal. The audience will be concentrating throughout the trailer as they will be looking for these abnormal events happening.
The information given to us shows that the audience will be scared and that they will not be expecting what is going to be shown. This makes the audience want to go and see the film as they have been told they are getting what they have paid to see, a horror.
The information about the film is given through the middle to the end of the teaser trailer. This is done so the audience do not get bored, they will be getting information to tell the audience things about the film its self and what the audience can expect. This film is aimed at people in the age range of 15-24. This is the age range that most people would go and see a horror. Also males are more likely to go and see Paranormal Activity 2. This is common in horror films as males are likely to want to go and see horror and action films rather than other genre films.
The main colours used in the above poster for the movie “Drag Me To Hell” are the women's blonde hair, the black sky and the red of the fire. In most horror films the blonde girl is the first to die. This is because they are normally the most silliest characters on the film. She is obviously the main character in the film otherwise she would not be in the film poster. This film is non stereotypical horror film. The hand that is grabbing the women’s neck helps us to believe that the film is going to be a horror film. The white text that is placed on top of the really jumps of the page and grabs your attention. The small text below the film title is in an orange colour which fits with the fire underneath the text. The women's coat blends into the fire and the sky which links the whole poster together. The white text above the tile gives us a short explanation about what happens in the film. The main figure in the poster is a women screaming with fire around her. This symbolizes death. An object in the poster is someone’s hands dragging the women down into the flames, this shows that someone wants this girl dead. This gives the viewers an idea of what the film is to do with and what might happen. In the background there are houses, it looks like a normal setting, somewhere where you would not expect something bad to happen.
From looking at the film poster the intended audience they would be targeting will be people who are interested in horrors. According to Pearl and Dean the age group would be 15-24, also slightly more males would rather go and see the film, this could just be because of the genre as males are more likely to go and see a horror than females are.
The genre of Drag me to Hell is a horror. We know this due to the dramatic images on the poster. The star in the poster has been used as the USP (unique selling point). There are no expert witnesses quoted on the poster. pleasures that are promised by the poster will be danger, fear, fire, possibly death if not someone trying to kill. The attention is gained threw shock. As the images are graphic and different it draws the viewers in as they have not seen a poster like it before. It will make the audience think what will happen and will want to see it to find out. The tag-line on the poster, “Christine Brown has a good job, a great boyfriend, but in three days, she’s going to hell”, shows that the character (Christine Brown) has got a bad spirit after her and wants her to die as she has done something bad. This makes the audience sure that the films genre is horror.
The poster has important information on it, for example it shows who is the production company (Ghost house productions). This is important as the production company will get more noticed, also if they have a good reputation for their films they will get more people going to see the film as they will believe it has come from a good production company.
I believe the poster is effective as the images are believable and look dramatic. This poster is also very different to a lot of horror posters, this would make me want to see it. I believe it connects effectively with the audience as it gives information in the tag-line which the audience would be interested about. The tag-line gives a bit more information on what the film is to do with. I do not believe the poster is offensive in any way.
The magazine front cover featuring The Hulk captures the audiences attention mainly as it is 3D. As the front cover is 3D it stands out from all the other magazines that will be around it as it is different. As this is the first ever 3D magazine front cover people will be amazed and will be likely to read it.
Empire show a large picture of the hulk breaking through a wall with his hands, this shows how much strength the hulk has. On the front cover the hulk is directly looking at the viewer, suggesting a strong, assured and secure person. As the hulk is by himself in the picture it shows he is independent and does not need anyone around him to fight his battles.
The design, colours and layout are forceful and confrontational. The green of the Hulk is relieved with green writing on the front cover. To show who the green character is the word Hulk has purposely been put in the same colour of his body. Empire have also made another section green as it says “Incredible, The worlds first fully 3D cover!” this is important information as people are likely to purchase to look at the magazine to see the first ever 3D cover. As the green is so bright is shows that he like the magazine stands out from others and he is strong on his own. The large headline “The Hulk Unleashed” has all been put in big bold writing, this shows the hulks personality as everything is big on the HULK.
The cover tells you forcefully that this magazine is for young men and teenage boys and also girls who are interested in action fantasy films.
This magazine front cover tells a story to the readers about the hulk and how strong he is and you can tell which sort of film this will be.
The magazine about is HellBoy 2. This front cover catches the audiences attention as the colours are bright and stand out. When colours stand out the audience will see it in the shop and look at it. Red colours represents death, the red stands out from the background colour as it is dark, this is good as it will get noticed more and also it fits in with the genre of a horror due to the dramatic colours. The text of the magazine is red with flames around it. Both red and flames represent danger, this is good as on the picture the creature has horns coming out of its head, this shows it could be to do with hell, this also links in with the name of the film. As we can see the person in the picture is red and comes across like a devil however we can also see he has a rosary bead on his wrist. All devils are against God and believe him to be their enemy, due to this it means he is not a real devil e.g. not as bad. There is nothing in the background of the magazine cover, this will give the film poster more attention as nothing is trying to take the attention away from it. The bright colours and layout are forceful and confrontational. The poster attracts the target audience. Horror is emphasized by the colour of the title and as it has flames. The audience for this magazine would be people between the age 15-25 as this is the age range that are most likely to see a horror film. They would be interested in the colours and the look of this magazine and they will want to read the information about the film
In comparison of the teaser trailer to the theatrical trailer they are very different. There is only one clip that is the same in the trailers. This shot is when a girl in the film drinks out of a bottle and something pushes the bottle down into her mouth trying to kill her, however this is a quick shot. Throughout the teaser trailer there are a number of dolly and tracking shots, this is a lot different to the theatrical trailer as they have a number of different camera angles, e.g. at the beginning there is an establishing shot of the school.
In the teaser trailer there is only one actor in it and the villain. This is very different to the theatrical trailer as there are over seven main actors staring and also other people in the backing shots. The people in the backing shots in the theatrical trailer help give of a different vibe to the beginning of the trailer, the beginning of the trailer is happy and how a teenager’s lifestyle is e.g. parties. However in the teaser trailer there is no fun sprits at all and you can also not tell which age range this film is targeted to.
The music in both trailers is very different. The music in the theatrical trailer is very upbeat at the beginning and changes throughout the trailer as the horror like shots are brought in. In the teaser trailer the music is more slow and repetitive, not something you would imagine to be in a horror, the only time the music changes slightly is when the girl gets the bottle pushed down her throat quickly, the music at this point goes loud, this is the jump shot of the teaser.
There is no voice over in the teaser trailer like there is in the theatrical trailer. This could be because this is a trailer that is teasing the audience, due to the fact it is teasing the audience it would be too much to have a voice over, as it will be giving to many things away.
Overall the teaser trailer and the theatrical trailer are very different and do not have many comparisons.
We are told the name of the film at the end of the teaser trailer. This is done so the audience have to watch the whole of the trailer to get the name, this will make the audience either wants to see it or not as they have an understanding of what the film is to do with. We are not told any names of who is staring in the film it is a teaser trailer so not much is given away to the audience as it is just suppose to tease them so they are likely to go and watch it and see for themselves what it is about etc. There is no text throughout the teaser trailer as it is more visual images that get the message across to the audience. As the girl gets a bottle pushed down her throat by a mysterious person dressed all in black we know the genre of this film is a horror. All the footage in the trailer is filmed in the day, however even though the natural day light is shown it is surrounded by black darker outlines, this takes over the light and dark images symbolize smoothing bad is going to happen. We do not see any great action in the trailer as the footage is more mysterious, for example, the girl walking around the house by herself drinking, the girl puts her head back for her to be able to drink her drink and she see’s someone in black above her. This gives of a scary feeling as this person has being in her house the whole time without her knowing. The music played is slow relaxing music, more like something you would have in an advert more than a horror, however the music soon changed to a loud thump at the very end of the teaser trailer as the girl gets a bottle thrown down her throat. This will be the jump shot as the music changes suddenly. The speed stays the same throughout the teaser trailer as the girl is casually walking around her house, however the speed changes when the villain in the trailer as it speeds up, this is to build tension. The only information given about the film is the title at the end of the film; this is enough for people to research the film. This film is aimed at people in the age range of 15-24. This is the age range that most people would go and see a horror. The film is targeted at teenagers as the whole film is about teenagers going through abnormal horror events.
In the trailer for ‘I Spit on your Grave’, we are told the name of the film at the end of the clip. They have done this as people will have to watch the whole clip before knowing the name of the film. Doing this draws people into the trailer and will then have an idea of what the film is about.
In the trailer we are not told who is in the film, this is because there are no big actors who are in the film that people would recognise.
The information given in ‘I Spit on your Grave’ trailer is given the same way throughout the whole trailer. It is on a dark background, this symbolises a creepy unaware atmosphere. The writing flashes on this white background, this stands out and also fits in with the rest of the trailer as there are flashing scenes in the clips.
In the trailer we see a girl been watched, this gets the audience thinking as they do not know what is going to happen next. We also see fighting in the trailer, this shows us that the girl has been kidnaped and she is fighting to get away. This draws watchers in to the trailer as they will want to know the outcome of the film- if she gets away etc. As you do not find this out in the trailer people are more likely to go and see the film when it comes out. This is what the film makers want as they are making money.
The sound in the trailer is firstly diegetic sound. The sound of creaking doors and screams shows that the film is a horror film as we can hear fear in the girls voice and also her crying. There is then an up-beat tempo when she has been kidnaped, this upbeat music shows her trying to get away from the man who has taken her. This music draws the watcher in and will want to know the outcome of the horror film.
There is a voice over in this trailer, the voice of the man talking is suppose to be the man who has taken the girl, you know this because what he is saying. The man has a low deep voice, this fits in with the horror theme as it comes across creepy.
The trailer begins with a series of long clips, they speed up throughout the trailer as the man kidnaps the girl and when the horror starts in the trailer. They do this in this trailer as in most horror films it draws the views in as they get excited to know what will happen and this draws them in, as they do not know the full outcome they will want to go and see it when it comes out. The speed through the trailer does alter, it starts of slow (equilibrum) then gets faster through the middle of the trailer (disequilibrium).
The information given is words that symbolise fear and horror ‘some crimes are so brutal that if your survive your only option is revenge, show no mercy’. This information is given once the girl has been kidnaped. The information is given at different stages of the trailer, e.g. when the girl is trying to get away the information given is, ‘some crimes are so brutal’ this shows that the girl is getting attacked badly. When the girl takes control of the situation and tortures the man the information given is, ‘your only option is revenge’. This is given at this point of the trailer as the girl is attacking the man and getting revenge.
The type of audience this trailer is aimed at is people above the age of 18, i think this as the girl who is attacked is a normal girl who is of this age range doing things normal people do until she is attacked. As she is at home alone people can link to this.