The main colours used in the above poster for the movie “Drag Me To Hell” are the women's blonde hair, the black sky and the red of the fire. In most horror films the blonde girl is the first to die. This is because they are normally the most silliest characters on the film. She is obviously the main character in the film otherwise she would not be in the film poster. This film is non stereotypical horror film. The hand that is grabbing the women’s neck helps us to believe that the film is going to be a horror film. The white text that is placed on top of the really jumps of the page and grabs your attention. The small text below the film title is in an orange colour which fits with the fire underneath the text. The women's coat blends into the fire and the sky which links the whole poster together. The white text above the tile gives us a short explanation about what happens in the film. The main figure in the poster is a women screaming with fire around her. This symbolizes death. An object in the poster is someone’s hands dragging the women down into the flames, this shows that someone wants this girl dead. This gives the viewers an idea of what the film is to do with and what might happen. In the background there are houses, it looks like a normal setting, somewhere where you would not expect something bad to happen.
From looking at the film poster the intended audience they would be targeting will be people who are interested in horrors. According to Pearl and Dean the age group would be 15-24, also slightly more males would rather go and see the film, this could just be because of the genre as males are more likely to go and see a horror than females are.
The genre of Drag me to Hell is a horror. We know this due to the dramatic images on the poster. The star in the poster has been used as the USP (unique selling point). There are no expert witnesses quoted on the poster. pleasures that are promised by the poster will be danger, fear, fire, possibly death if not someone trying to kill. The attention is gained threw shock. As the images are graphic and different it draws the viewers in as they have not seen a poster like it before. It will make the audience think what will happen and will want to see it to find out. The tag-line on the poster, “Christine Brown has a good job, a great boyfriend, but in three days, she’s going to hell”, shows that the character (Christine Brown) has got a bad spirit after her and wants her to die as she has done something bad. This makes the audience sure that the films genre is horror.
The poster has important information on it, for example it shows who is the production company (Ghost house productions). This is important as the production company will get more noticed, also if they have a good reputation for their films they will get more people going to see the film as they will believe it has come from a good production company.
I believe the poster is effective as the images are believable and look dramatic. This poster is also very different to a lot of horror posters, this would make me want to see it. I believe it connects effectively with the audience as it gives information in the tag-line which the audience would be interested about. The tag-line gives a bit more information on what the film is to do with. I do not believe the poster is offensive in any way.
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