The audience are told the title of the film right at the end because the trailer consists of clips that all contribute to the narrative and in order for the title to be memorable and effective it is placed last.
The audience are not told who is starring in the film, as they are not well known actors/actresses in the film industry, however instead Lions Gate and Ghost House Productions have used the directors name to market and promote the film as he is reputable and successful. Viewers are presented with titles of previous successes such as 'Spider Man' to persuade and encourage people to watch the film. Reviews are also shown with positive reinforcement from newspapers, further promoting the film. Further information we are presented with is equilibrium, which is at the beginning point of the trailer, establishing that she has a good job but wants to become manager therefore, tries to make a good decision declining a customer's third grant, subsequently, introducing the disequilibrium of her being cursed which continues to develop from one minute into the trailer. Dialogue says a lot about the film too as the significance of the lady warning the woman that "Soon she will come begging to [her]" connotes a sense of danger, threat and horror.
The mise en scene of the main antagonist conforms to the conventions of a horror as she has a glass eye which indicates possession, evil and terror. The use of iconography also conforms to the horror genre as there is a knife used as a weapon, suggesting violence, intrusion, pain and aggression.

The speed of the trailer is steady paced at the beginning as the narrative is only just introduced however, it builds up and as soon as the disequilibrium is recognised, the speed becomes erratic, snappy and faster. This creates an impact on the audience's nerves and makes them feel panick, suspense and tension which is initially what a horror film is set out to do.
The target audience of the film is for over 15's as it contains sequences of horror, violence, terror, disturbing images and language.
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