We searched youtube for videos to find out what ingredients people use and the cheapest, most practical and easy way to make fake blood. After researching thoroughly, the most common ingredient in nearly every video we viewed was corn syrup however, as the videos were recorded in America, we had to search the equivalent to corn syrup which is sold in England. We found that this was Golden Syrup so we bought this from our local supermarket. Similar, we substituted the corn starch with flour.
Step 2: We then measured out the correct amount of flour to add to the jug of golden syrup.
Step 3: We then added water to the mixture.
Step 4: Once we mixed the ingredients together, we added a few drops of Red food colouring.
Step 5: Once we mixed the red food colouring into the mixture, we added Green food colouring as directed by the video to darken the mixture.
The following shows our steps of making fake blood:
Step 1: We poured Golden Syrup into a jug.

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