The main colour in the sorority row poster is dark colours, grey and browns. These dark colours represent fear. Dark colours represent fear as not many people like the dark. Darkness can also link with death as when you die you get berried underground which is also dark, this could link with the poster as there is a drip of something on the bottom right, this could be mud. There are two different symbols in the poster, one is the drip, this could be blood or mud as I said earlier. The other symbol is the red X inbetween the words Sorority and Row. This symbol represents danger, as it could be a sign of death and the colour red shows fear. The main figures in the poster is girls who look like they are been tourchered. All the pictures look like reaction shots of the girls when they are in danger. From looking at the main images in the poster, we can see the film is set on teenage girls and it is a horror film. The background is plain, this does not matter, as the main image is so strong, this could be put on a blank background to make sure nothing takes the audiences attention away from the tourture pictures. The message in this poster is mostly primarily visual due to the strong images shown; we know the girls are in pain due to their reactions. It is also verbal due to the tag line. I believe teenage girls who enjoy horror films in the age range of 15-25 will be persuaded to this film as they can relate to the lifes these girls use to have- before the torcher. Many stars in the film are used as the unique selling point as this is the only thing in th poster that the audience can see that it is a horror film due to the blank background. From the poster we can see that the aundience that go and see this film are promised to see a group of girls that could be friends get tourchered and maybe killed. The tagline “the sisters of theta pi are dying to keep a secret” comes across effective to the audience as shock, this tagline also gives the audience an insite into the film as we now know someone is keeping a secret, this could be why the girls are getting torchered.
This poster is effective as it shows the audience what they will want to see in a horror, fear, death and torcher. The poster does not have an age concent on; this could give people underage false hope as they could be to young to see it.
This poster is effective as it shows the audience what they will want to see in a horror, fear, death and torcher. The poster does not have an age concent on; this could give people underage false hope as they could be to young to see it.
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