We feel that the bold red title of our magazine ‘Fangoria’ is eye catching and stands out. I feel that the name of our magazine is attractive and shows the genre of the magazine. We feel that the word is very relevant to a magazine which would feature horror films. Our title also has blood coming off of the writing, this is also effective and targets the target audience of which a horror film would.
We like the way our barcode is in the bottom corner as it does not cover any of the images. The barcode is also good where it is as it does not stand out and distract from our images and text. This is important as it is not the focus point of the magazine. We also feel that the way we have put the barcode into a space which is a light colour- grey is good as it fits in with the colour more and does not stand out as much. Underneath the barcode we put the pice in both UK and US dollars. We done this as this magazine features over both in the UK and the USA. We believed it was good that we put the price here as it saves space on the magazine.
We believed that a strong image which takes up half of the whole magazine was good as it will be the focus point and catch peoples eye and they will pick it up. I feel this is effective as the girl in the picture looks scary with red eyes that stand out. Her hair is also a bit messed up around the edges like it is in the teaser trailer. She looks strong and fearless with unusual skin. We also put strong little pictures on the magazine, we believe these still stand out as they are very disturbing pictures and do not need to be big to be a selling point.
The background colour is grey allowing us to use bright colours so they would stand out. We believed this is good as it fits in with the horror theme. I feel this is effective as it gives an eery effect especially in the way that we have used red patches to make it look like blood. This we feel gives a horror effect.
We feel that the wording of the writing on our horror magazine is effective “sneak preview of this year’s top horror film. Contageon” as it shows that it has been said it is a top horror film. A top horror film means that it is good and also it is what people would want to see in a horror. This stands out as people will like to see horror films that make them scared and wondering what will happen next.
We also believed it would be good if we used the word ‘PLUS’ in bold capital writing. We thought this would be effective and will stand out to the viewers. As this will stand out people will read what it says and will see there has been interviews with the actors in the film. People who are interested in seeing the film will purchase this magazine as they will know the actors will be talking about the film making.
We believe that in the top right corner- ‘biggest ever issue!’ stands out as it is over the title of the magazine. We decided to put the colours of this dark as it does not need bright colours to stand out as it is leaning on a bright colour. Bright colours may have also taken the attention away from the pictures and other important information on that magazine. Strong words like ‘best ever’ makes the reader feel that it is limited and that the film is the best ever film that has been out in a long time.
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