“Sent chills up my spine, a must see horror” I believe this is effective on our poster as it helps people believe it is a good film and enjoyable. This also targets my audience as they can see it is a horror as it ‘sends chills up the spine’. It is also effective as the critic is from a well known newspaper- The Guardian. As it has come from a well known newspaper people will believe it is reliable and trustworthy. The star rating is also effective as five stars is a lot of stars for a film to get, this will show the readers it is a must see quality film.
We feel our title ‘Contageon’ is effective as it is a symbol of witchcraft. Our title links in with our film as our teaser is about witches’ spirits that come back to haunt the school as a chant has been found. Our title gives part of the film away. We believe the title stands out as it is not all one colour and it is also on a dark background. We also put a bit of blood on one of the letters to make it more effective and to fit in with the horror theme. Our title is in a bold font as we wanted it to stand out to the audience and for them to remember the name.
I feel our tagline ‘Life is a symptom, death is a cure’ is effective as it draws the audience in further due to the witty saying and also the colour of the writing. We put the word ‘death’ in the colour red as it stands out from the rest of the words and also it shows death will be shown in the horror, also red links with the theme of death and gore.
I feel that having the date of the realease date is effective as the audience will be looking forward to seeing it and will keep looking for when it is out in cinemas around near them. I feel that maybe this will also attract the audience as we have given the real date. We believed by putting coming soon it would be less effective as people will forget about it whereas with putting the date people will remember the date and will look forward to seeing it.
When analysing posters we noticed that they have small print at the bottom of the posters. This writing had information about the film characters etc. We decided to include this in our poster to make it look professional. We believed our poster should include everything for our audience to believe our film is worth seeing.
We have also inluded a classification sticker on the bottom right hand of the poster. We done this as we needed to target an audience, we found our target audience by looking at the Pearl and Dean website, we realised the most amount of people who watch horror films are mostly 15-24 year olds, this is why we have deicided to classify ours a 15.
We feel that the use of pictures on our horror poster is effective as they are all real life shots from the film itsself. Having shots from the film shows the audience what they can expect from the film. We made sure we used strong images from the film to give the horror feel and to be able to persuade someone to watch it.
I like the way that we layed our pictures out. From looking at posters, our inpiration was the ‘Sorority Row’ poster. We liked that the pictures had been places in a film role as it shows it is to do with a film. We also liked the way the film tape is in the shape of an X. An X is usually and sign of not to enter or danger, we believed this gave away a horror feel.
We feel that the use of our background is effective as we used blood on dark browns. We believe this gave an eerie effect and an old effect to the poster. We wanted to give the old effect of as our film is about finding an old chant and pictures etc. To finnish the old look we made sure the background was not neat as we wanted the background to look creased.
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